Prophetic Ministry

For over 20 years, The Truth In The Spirit has gathered the Company of Apostles and Prophets, convened Prophetic Roundtables and offered Prophetic Training for mature believers throughout the Body of Messiah worldwide. If you operate in the office of a prophet (with the mantle of a prophet) or have the gift of prophecy, we encourage you to join us. If you operate as a different fivefold gift (apostle, evangelist, pastor or teacher), we would also like to invite you join to us.

The Company of Apostles and Prophets

The Company of Apostles and Prophets regionally (in Tidewater, VA) and globally (remotely) is a gathering of fivefold ministers (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) reminiscent of the Company of Prophets in the Old Covenant and continuing the Acts of the Apostles in the New Covenant. CAP is designed to bring together all of God’s fivefold ministers to fulfill the apostolic and prophetic mandates of God in this season.

Under the leadership of powerful prophets like Samuel or Elijah, the Company of Prophets in the Old Covenant came together to train and equip the prophets in Israel and share the prophetic responsibilities in the land. In the New Covenant, Yeshua (aka Jesus) trained and sent forth the original Apostles, who set apart fivefold ministers throughout Israel and the nations. These men and women changed the world forever, as we see in the Acts of the Apostles. Join us as we gather to focus on connecting with each other, cultivating this vision and fulfilling the objectives that God has set before us: to establish, counsel, train, minister, intercede, communicate and complete Kingdom assignments individually and collectively.

Prophetic Roundtable

The Prophetic Roundtable is a gathering of prophets and mature believers with the gift of prophecy to collectively seek God and receive revelation for organizations, regions and nations. Our Prophetic Roundtables offer an opportunity for us all to listen to the Spirit of God regarding a particular ministry, business, organization, assignment, region, state, nation or the Body of Messiah overall. Because we all prophesy in part (1 Corinthians 13:9), we understand that it takes many of us to unite and seek God for the fullness of His will to be revealed. Join us and allow God to speak your part through you, so that together can receive complete revelation!

Our Gatherings of the Company of Apostles and Prophets and our Prophetic Roundtables are held on the 4th Saturdays of each month from 10am until 11:45am Eastern Time (New York time) in alternating months in-person and online. To join us, click the button below, and complete the form. We will then email you with more information.


Advancing the Kingdom Through Prophetic Ministry Training, Level 1

Our Advancing the Kingdom Through Prophetic Ministry Training, Level 1, has been established to train mature believers in foundational truths and skills necessary to understand and appreciate the gift of prophecy and/or the mantle of the prophet, for the edification of the Body of Believers and the advancement of the Kingdom of God. This is a training that EVERY believer should experience, as the prophetic is essential to understanding the moves of God in the earth, in our ministries and in our lives. Whether you feel called to the prophetic or not, join us to understand the role of the prophet and the importance of prophetic ministry, in union with all other types of ministry, in the Body of Believers. Let us unite, with God in the center, and advance His Kingdom! To learn more about our Advancing the Kingdom Through Prophetic Ministry Training, Level 1, click here or click the pic.

School of Prophets

Our School of Prophets is a part of our Priesthood Academy International and requires the following trainings as pre-requisites: Burnt Offerings for Deliverance Training
Messianic Transformation Training
Restoring Fivefold Ministry Training
Advancing the Kingdom through Prophetic Ministry Training, Level 1

The School of Prophets is a 2-year training track that is a prophetic bootcamp of sorts. It is designed for those called to the office of the prophet or have the prophetic as their secondary calling. This training track is spiritually and academically rigorous, and it requires maturity and commitment. Intense Bible study, fasting and writing are all part of this training track. Scholars who successfully complete this training track are set apart as prophets, licensed for ministry and invited to actively participate in the Company of Apostles and Prophets. The Prophetic Team, the Intercessory Team and the Deliverance Team in The Truth In The Spirit are comprised of scholars in good standing in this training track. Admission into our School of Prophets must be requested after completing the pre-requisites above and approved by the Senior Elders of The Truth In The Spirit. Training Sessions are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10am to 11:45am Eastern Time (New York time) in-person in Virginia and online. Scholars in our School of Prophets are also required to participate in our CAP Gatherings and Prophetic Roundtables on the 4th Saturdays of each month at 10am. If you are interested in become part of our School of Prophets, please join our Priesthood Academy International as your first step.

Here's More Info

Our Gatherings of the Company of Apostles and Prophets and our Prophetic Roundtables are held on the 4th Saturdays of each month from 10am until 11:45am Eastern Time (New York time) in alternating months in-person and online. After you complete the form, we will share more information with you and answer any questions you may have.

What you'll experience


Our CAP Gatherings and Prophetic Roundtables always include worship, to invite God's Presence and position His people to hear clearly from Him.


Before we seek God for revelation, we repent before Him and receive healing for our souls. Thus positioning us to hear clearly from Him and respond.


You will go to the next level in your ministry, as you sharpen and use your gifts with others in the Kingdom.


Connect with similarly called and gifted believers who can encourage you and hold you accountable to God's revealed will.


As we all receive revelation from God on our prayer topics, you will also receive personal revelation.


Connect with the Jewish roots of the faith, and be prepared for the Millennial Reign of Messiah and reigning with Him!

Ready for God to use you in prophetic ministry with others in the Kingdom?

For Mature Believers

Our CAP Gatherings and Prophetic Roundtables are for mature believers in Messiah Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ) who want to surrender their gifts to God, so that He can reveal His will and advance His Kingdom through our collective service. These gatherings do not include extensive training for those who are immature in the prophetic. For prophetic training, click here.

Experiencing The Truth In The Spirit

Our CAP Gatherings and Prophetic Roundtables operate by the leading of the Holy Spirit, revealing the TRUTH of God's will, as it is confirmed in His Word. Every detail of each gathering is supported by Biblical texts and historical facts. In fact, we welcome you to respectfully challenge anything that you believe does not line up with the Bible or historical data. However, we encourage you to prepare to be challenged, as the Holy Spirit speaks the Truth to and through you!

About Apostle Markita Brooks

Markita Brooks is the founder and senior apostle of The Truth In The Spirit. As an apostle and prophet, she hears clearly from God and enjoys sharing His truth with others. God continues to develop Markita and The Truth In The Spirit into agents of transformation and empowerment for individuals, businesses, organizations, ministries and young people. She is the published author of The Road to Damascus: Transformation for the Next Level, 5 Biblical Keys to Unlocking Wealth, as well as various other booklets and trainings. Markita is also a business coach, consultant, and CEO of Kingdom Wealth, LLC, a business coaching and consulting firm “Creating wealth to do the MOST GOOD” and the President and Founder of the Ari Network, connecting Kingdom entrepreneurs to grow Bible-based businesses.