The Truth In The Spirit invites Ministry Leaders, Biblical Business Owners and Kingdom Advancers to continue to join us for our

Ecclesia World Gatherings

Online Events Restoring Cultural Identity to Unite Across Dividing Lines and Advance God’s Kingdom

4th Saturdays at 1pm New York time

Event Time around the World:
7am HST, 10am PDT, 11am MT, 12noon CT, 5pm GMT, 6pm WEST, 8pm IDT, 2 night (8pm) Kenya

"Ecclesia" is a Greek word which means "assembly of the called out ones," and it is translated to "church" in the New Testament. As the worldwide Ecclesia prepares for the Messiah's return, we must unite to hear His voice prophetically and advance His Kingdom.

Our first online Ecclesia World Gathering was powerful and anointed! Surely we were all transformed in one way or another. If you missed it, you can watch the video above. The biographies for our speakers are below.

August 24th, 2024, was just the beginning. The Truth In The Spirit has been facilitating annual Ecclesia gatherings since 2008. However, this is the season for the global Ecclesia to unite! We all have strengths, revelation and anointing that others in the Body of Believers need. We must unite to stand against the spiritual forces of darkness throughout the world. The dark force of Hellenism has sought to rob us all of our cultural and Kingdom identities, in order to render us powerless. That same dark force has also attempted to change the identity of our Messiah, so that we will not receive ALL that He has for us. Additionally, the dark force of Mammon has robbed us of resources necessary to advance God's Kingdom, while perverting our power to create wealth so that we will build empires for humans rather than advance God's Kingdom. This forces were addressed during our first Ecclesia World Gathering (watch the video above), and they will continue to be addressed every time we reconvene. Don't miss it!

During our Ecclesia World Gatherings online that are to come, Apostle Markita Brooks will share revelation she has received for various regions about addressing the spirits of Hellenism and Mammon out of her books The Road to Damascus: Transformation for the Next Level and 5 Biblical Keys to Unlocking Wealth. Hellenism is the adoption of Greek (and Roman) ideas or culture. In this case of regional spiritual forces, the adoption of Greco-Roman ideas and culture are exalted higher than Kingdom ideas and culture. This is what makes it sinful and dangerous. Mammon, in the 1st Century, was a form of currency (money) AND an idol (false god) that led people to become greedy or fear lack, both of which result in chasing after and serving money (Matthew 6:24). Money is a resource that is neither good nor bad. However, the LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). At future Ecclesia World Gatherings, we will often have other guest speakers from around the world join us as well.

We must come together to address Hellenism and Mammon, align with our King and reclaim our regions! No one person has all of the answers. However, when we come together, the individual revelation we have received can create one corporate picture of the moves of God in the Earth. For this reason, our Ecclesia World Gathering will only be partially broadcast on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. Then, we will stop the broadcast to provide a safe environment for questions and discussions. These gatherings are FREE and open to ministry leaders, Biblical business owners and all those who want to advance God's Kingdom. However, only those present on Zoom will be able to participate in the discussion.

If you would like to join us for this gathering on Zoom, please click the button below and complete the form. You will then receive an email with the Zoom link and additional information. If you are part of our Ecclesia Network of Ministries, the Zoom link will be emailed to you.

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Speakers from our 1st Ecclesia World Gathering on August 24, 2024

Apostle Markita Brooks, Organizer

Apostle Markita Brooks is a wife, mother and grandmother. She is also the founder of The Truth In The Spirit, based at the Historic Antioch Baptist Church, and the apostolic ministry leader. She and her husband, Rabbi Hassan Brooks, also lead Congregation Or Shalom in Richmond, VA. She is also the Founder and CEO of Kingdom Wealth, LLC, a business coaching and consulting firm dedicated to creating wealth to do the most good, as well as the Founder and CEO of the Ari Network, a global network of businesses dedicated to creating wealth to transform geographic areas. Markita is a motivational speaker and the published author of The Road to Damascus: Transformation for the Next Level, 5 Biblical Keys to Unlocking Wealth and various other booklets and trainings. She leads the Ecclesia Network of Ministries, the Nehemiah Network of business owners, the Invitation Movement and the National Kingdom Council. She also teaches believers weekly about the whole truth of the Word of God through the Priesthood Academy International, Messianic Midrash Bible Studies and online services on Saturdays. Apostle Markita also serves on 5 non-profit boards of directors in the US and Israel, and she serves as the spiritual covering of many other ministries worldwide, while training pastors and leaders in various other ministries as well.

Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman

Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman is the director of Kad-Esh MAP Ministries and United Nations for Israel (UNIFY), based in St. Augustine, Florida, with the help of her husband Rabbi Baruch Bierman. As Jewish Apostles, Dominiquae and Baruch Bierman have traveled to over 50 nations preaching The Gospel Made in Zion with signs, wonders, and miracles following! Additionally, Archbishop Dominiquae is the president of GRM Bible School, a bible school free of replacement theology, rich in church history, the Jewish roots of the faith, and love for Israel. The school has flourished throughout the nations, changing the lives of many. Rabbi Baruch and Archbishop Dominiquae have been cross-cultural preachers of the gospel, traveling to the nations extensively, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom in its original Jewish context, with Apostolic thrust and Prophetic anointing. They are graduates of Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, and affiliated with TAPAC – the Trans-Atlantic and Pacific Alliance of Churches in London. Dr. Dominiquae has received an honorary Doctorate from Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary in Tampa, Florida, due to her life’s work in advancing the Kingdom of God and has also earned a Ph.D. in Religious Philosophy from the Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary.

Chief Joseph and Dr. Laralyn RiverWind

Chief Joseph & Dr. Laralyn RiverWind lead FireKeepers International, a Native American charitable organization founded by official tribal and cultural ambassadors. Chief Joseph was appointed by his Tribal Council as a Taino Peace Chief and serves his people as the Ambassador of the Arawak Taino Tribe of Puerto Rico. Dr. Laralyn RiverWind is the Ambassador at Large and an enrolled member of the Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee, a state-recognized tribe. They are both voting members of the National Congress of American Indians in Washington D.C. Together, they were named "Ambassadors of God" at Israel's Knesset (Parliament) on Jerusalem Day and Israel's Independence Day, 2018. They have since pursued the legacy of their elders in establishing an Indigenous Embassy in Jerusalem. Chief Joseph RiverWind is an honorably discharged U.S. Army veteran. Dr. Laralyn RiverWind is a Doctor of Naturopathy and Master Herbalist. Together, they speak, teaching ancient indigenous and biblical knowledge, sharing cultural music, telling traditional stories, preserving old survival skills, and spreading the hope and love of The Creator.

Apostle Braimah Mohammed Benjamin

Apostle Benjamin is the general overseer of the World Redemption Ministry in Ghana with two branches. Formerly, he was a Muslim for 23 years. He studied at Ghana Baptist University College, and he is a student of Theology at Central University College.

What you will experience


The Truth In The Spirit's worship team will lead worship throughout this gathering for a truly transformative experience!


Apostle Markita Brooks, the other speakers and prophets will share revelation for regions, as well as others on Zoom!


As believers, we will unite across geographic, denominational and ethnic lines that have divided us!


Gain a greater understanding of and love for brothers and sisters in other regions of the world as God speaks through us!


Get clarity about the next level for your ministry, Kingdom business or region of the world!


Receive resources to help you reclaim your region with others in your area after the gathering concludes!

Ecclesia World Gathering