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Ecclesia 2024:

The Kingdom Mandate of Joseph

Revelation ~ Reconciliation ~ Resources

Saturday, January 20th, 10am to 5pm

at Hill City Church (aka the Commons)
2101 Maywill St., Richmond, VA 23226

God is calling together ministries in Central Virginia to improve the effectiveness of our outreach efforts and to address spiritual and other challenges in our region. On November 17th, 2023, the Lord dictated to me the "Letter to the Ecclesia in Central Virginia" and directed me to share it with other ministry leaders in our area. Please read it and return to the Lord in prayer, so that He may direct you as we unite in His will. Let us unite throughout the year through the Ecclesia Network of Ministries.

To truly restore lives, families and Central Virginia, ministries must receive and share revelation from God, facilitate reconciliation between groups and make resources within the region available to those who truly need them. We want to include your ministry as a valuable resource in the Central VA area. What revelation (training, information, prophetic ministry) do you provide? How do you reconcile people (worship, unity gatherings)? What resources (services, outreach) do you provide to Central VA? We want to support what you're doing in our community and connect you will like-minded ministries, so that together we can reclaim our region.

Click the button below to let us know that you'd like more information, and we'll get back with you soon.


"Letter to the Ecclesia in Central Virginia"

To the messenger of the Ecclesia in Central Virginia, write:
These are the words of the One who is Faithful and True, who was, who is, who is to come! I placed you on the Rich Mountain and in lush valleys surrounding it. My glory descends upon the Mountain and My provision is so great that it runs down into the valleys making them the most fertile in the land. I have established My Mountain at the gate of the nation that My glory would flood the nation from this place. But you have offended My Spirit and opened the gate to other spirits that have ravaged the nation. I raised up Houses of Worship with gatekeepers and watchmen, but you have not coordinated your watches, so that there are large breeches through which the enemy comes and scatters My sheep. You gather up some of the wounded, but you don’t address the seriousness of their injuries, so they lay dying at My altar. Others refuse to come to Me, because they have lost hope in My healing and provision! Wake up! Repair the breeches! Defend the Mountain! Then My Glory will so powerfully fill the area that it will transform the nation. But you can’t repair the breeches that exist within the gaps between you. To truly repair and restore, you must come together as ONE! Only then will you create a habitation for My Spirit in Central Virginia. Only then will you prepare the people for the Day of My Coming. For I am coming soon, and I will be quick to address the sleeping shepherds, but My sheep I will gather to Myself. For there is One Shepherd and One Flock! Repair the breeches in the gaps between you, welcome My Glory, heal the wounded sheep and you will experience My Provision. On the Mountain of the LORD, it will be provided, enough to flow into the valleys! Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Ecclesia.